Knowle relocation project: planning application to be considered by District Council: Tuesday 6th December >>> deadline for registering to speak: Thursday 1st December - Entrepreneur Generations

The plans for Knowle will be put to the planning committee in just over a week:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: planning application to be considered by District Council: Tuesday 6th December >>> planning officers brush aside planning policies

As of tomorrow, those wishing to speak can register with the District Council. 

This is from a letter sent out from the planning office - the full version of which is available at Save Our Sidmouth:

16/0872/MFUL - Council Offices Knowle Sidmouth

The meeting will take place at The Council Chamber, Council Offices, The Knowle, Sidmouth and is due to commence at 10.30 am.

To speak on an application at Development Management Committee you must have submitted written documents during the consultation stage of the application. Please note that any representations received during the consultation stage will have been summarised and addressed in the Planning Officer’s report, and therefore the Committee members will be aware of the points raised.

You can register your wish to speak on an application from 10am next Monday up until 12 noon on the Thursday before the meeting, by leaving a message on 01395 517525 or emailing including the following details:

 name
 telephone number
 the reference number at the top of the email/letter sent to you
 the application number/address
 whether you wish to speak in support or against the application
 if you agree to your details being published on the website

To ensure fairness in the allocation of speakers, we can only accept requests to speak made through the dedicated number and email above. Speakers will have 3 minutes to make their representation.

The number of people that can speak on each application is limited to:
Major applications – 5 supporters, 5 objectors and the applicant or agent
Minor/other applications – 2 supporters, 2 objectors and the applicant or agent

Whether an application is classified under the legislation as a major, minor or other will be noted on the agenda for the meeting which will shortly be available at

Speakers will be registered on a first come, first served basis. An officer will only contact you if your request to speak has been successful. The contact details of registered speakers, unless advised otherwise, will be posted on the website to allow others, who may have wished to speak, to contact them.

The day before the meeting a revised running order for the applications to be considered by the Committee will be posted on the council’s website ( ).
Applications with registered speakers will be taken first.

If you have any queries regarding this application, please contact the Central Team on 01395 571596.

Controversial Knowle decision set for Tues 6 December ( DMC meeting starts 10h30 Knowle Council Chamber) | Save Our Sidmouth

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project: planning application to be considered by District Council: Tuesday 6th December >>> deadline for registering to speak: Thursday 1st December - Entrepreneur Generations

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