Futures Forum: A Celebration of the Sid Valley’s Trees >>> kick-starting National Tree Week >>> Friday 25th November
Flooding was talked about - as was planning law - and the spot in Sidmouth which is currently covered in mature trees (needed by bats!) and which is prone to flooding and might be prone to more if and when planning permission is given - is the Knowle park.
The issues of trees and Knowle have been considered at length before:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project > Pegasus planning application 16/0872/MFUL > Policies D1, D2 and D3 >>> Trees
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: greening the grey >>> "Is the trend for foliage on buildings a fig leaf for poor design?"
Futures Forum: A new plaque for the historic ginkgo in the Knowle park ..... 12 noon Monday 12th January
Futures Forum: Public Rights of Way through Knowle: appeal accepted: Knowle Residents' Association
Earlier today, the Save Our Sidmouth site posted this comment:
Celebration of Trees event this Friday (25 Nov) inspired partly by Knowle parkland
November 25, 2016 by sidmouthsid Leave a comment
Knowle parkland is part of Sidmouth Arboretum, who are the organisers of the event this evening at Kennaway House. Poster has details tree-celebration-poster-v04
Pictures here taken on one of the Getting to Know Knowle visits led by Hugh Angus of the National Arboretum, Westonbirt.
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2gIqaYM Trees @ Knowle - Entrepreneur Generations
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