Devon New Economy: at the forefront of new thinking - Entrepreneur Generations

In April, the Devon New Economy event brought some pretty big players together in Exeter to consider shaking up the way we do business and promote well-being:
Futures Forum: Devon New Economy Gathering >>> Saturday 16th April
Sustainable Crediton has set up a working group to take the ideas forward:

Devon New Economy

30 November 2016

The Devon New Economy Working group

A conference was held in April this year to look at new economic thinking and programmes in Devon. A wealth of different projects and programmes were described and it was clear that Devon is at the forefront of new thinking as far as economic ideas are concerned. 
Following the conference a working group was set up, convened by Gerald Conyngham, a member of Sustainable Crediton. 
The group have decided to pursue the idea of setting up a new organisation to promote and take forward some of these ideas, as well as to share experience and encourage networking.
They are now seeking funding to carry out a feasibility study to work out the best way forward. Transition Towns such as Sustainable Crediton will be consulted and involved in this initial work. 

If you would like to be involved in the Devon New Economy please contact Gerald.

Sustainable Crediton - Devon New Economy

See also:
Love Local Food Education .. noted
REconomy Centre Totnes | a workplace for a strong local economy

Futures Forum: Building a new economy through grassroots projects
Futures Forum: Economic freedom and political equality at the local level >>> or, the triumph of corporatism
Futures Forum: Sharing economy or gift economy?

from Futures Forum Devon New Economy: at the forefront of new thinking - Entrepreneur Generations

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