Futures Forum: The future of Devon's hospitals >>> demonstration >>> Save Our Hospital Services: Exeter Sees Red Day >>> Saturday 3rd December
It's all about getting the balance right in providing health care:
Futures Forum: The future of Devon's care services: "We want to see comparative clinical evidence that demonstrates that the proposals for treatment at home are indeed both as effective as hospital treatment and as safe."
And it's about getting the numbers right:
Futures Forum: The future of Sidmouth's hospitals: getting the figures right
On Friday, there will be a meeting in Sidmouth to consider the proposed cuts to these services:
Chris East via 38 Degrees:
“I hope that some of you managed to get to the amazing “see red” rally in Exeter Princess Hay last Saturday.
This message gives notice of a public meeting this coming Friday in Sidmouth Parish church at 7.30 pm.
The “Your Future Care” consultation ends on 6 January. Please come to this local meeting and learn how it is not just a matter of proposed Sidmouth hospital bed cuts, or even just bed cuts, but cuts to many different NHS services in Devon wide, hidden under different project names, aimed at confusing us.
You can download a meeting leaflet from out East Devon campaign web site:
Please spread notice of this meeting among your friends and neighbours.
Chris East
NHH hospital and bed cuts public meeting Sidmouth Parish Church Friday 7.30 pm | East Devon Watch
Save Community Hospital Beds in East Devon | Campaigns by You
Here's the poster with more information about the event:
Save Our Hospital Services Devon public group | Facebook
SOHS North Devon Save Our Hospital Services
With more information here:
Sid Valley patients and carers: Our Future Care « East Devon Alliance
“False, flawed and fraudulent” says “Save Our Hospital Services” of NHS plans for Devon | East Devon Watch
The point being that nobody seems to know what's happening:
New Devon CCG transformation: as transparent as a lead block | East Devon Watch
Meanwhile, how party-political has this debate become?
Sidmouth public meeting on health cuts 9 December – Swire invited | East Devon Watch
East Devon MP Sir Hugo Swire calls for increased social care funding in the region - News - Sidmouth Herald
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2gAhTT7 The future of Sidmouth's hospitals: public meeting to discuss proposed cuts >>> Friday 9th December - Entrepreneur Generations
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