Recycling and refuse in East Devon >>> collecting more to recycle more >>> rolling out in Exmouth - Entrepreneur Generations

Earlier in the summer, the District Council announced a new scheme:
Futures Forum: Recycling and refuse in East Devon >>> collecting more to recycle more

With more details on their website:
New recycling & waste service 2017 - East Devon

And a whole list of what you can put into your new green recycling bag:
Your new recycling service - what you can and cannot recycle - East Devon

Next month, it's rolling out in Exmouth - and will be coming to the rest of the District in June:

Look out for details of Exmouth recycling changes - News - Exmouth Journal

The massive recycling boost has begun in Exmouth

By Alex_Richards | Posted: January 27, 2017

Thousands of people in Exmouth have already received their new big green bags.

Yesterday the first of 68,000 new big green 75litre recycling bags were delivered to houses in Exmouth as part of a boost to double recycling across East Devon.

Cardboard, plastics, small electric items and even tetra packs (waxed card food and drink containers) will soon be added to the recycling lists for families in the resort and across East Devon.

Exmouth will be the first town to go live with the scheme after a successful pilot in the Colony area of the town and at New Feniton, near Honiton. The town's 16,700 homes will have the bags delivered ready for the new recycling scheme to kick off on February 16.

The rest of the East Devon will have to wait until June to join in.

During the trials with 625 homes in Exmouth's Colony area, household recycling increased from 46-60 per cent. And figures showed that 96 per cent of residents participated fully in the scheme.

More recycling could save money. Currently East Devon spends £4 million a year, a fifth of its entire budget, on recycling. A new seven year contract awarded to SUEZ means the authority should save £250,000 a year.

Mother-of-two Philippa Dawkins of Salisbury Road said: "You've got to sort through your rubbish more but I'm happy with that. We all need to recycle more. It's easy to use. I love it."

Cllr Iain Chubb, East Devon portfolio holder for the Environment, said the move was in response to public demand for increased recycling. He said: "So many people we have spoken to are very positive about the new service and are really looking forward to being able to recycle more rather than throwing things away as rubbish."

He said there might be teething troubles, but he promised to get them address as soon as possible. He said: "Even with the most meticulous planning, any change to a service as important as recycling and waste involving almost 17,000 households including 119 blocks of flats and 450 streets will bring some teething problems at the start." But he added that there would be a team of recycling advisors working alongside the collection crews to give advice and assistance.

One point that might make Donald Trump raise an eyebrow: Although EDDC used a company based in Scotland to design and make the sacks, it didn't quite work out. The prototypes were made in Scotland, but due to the style and number of sacks needed, the supplier was unable to use their factory in Scotland and used their India factory instead.

The massive recycling boost has begun in Exmouth | Exeter Express and Echo

from Futures Forum Recycling and refuse in East Devon >>> collecting more to recycle more >>> rolling out in Exmouth - Entrepreneur Generations

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