'FAB FEB!' at Liverpool's Parr Jazz - Entrepreneur Generations

Andor Jensen 7 Feb
Hi ParrJazzers One And All !

Hope all well and recovered  from 'Post Festive Blues Syndrome' ! We reckon you should be well on your way now , especially after our bright and cheery January programme . And as a boost there's lots more 'melodic Medicine' on its way down here at Frederiks  -  and it'll be administered right through 'Fab Feb' by our wide variety of 'Harmonious Heros' to combat the forecast chilly weather! Likely to be wet much of the time too  -  so it's no surprise that in Old English , February was called "Solmonath' ! Meaning  "Mud Month" !

Anyway enough of that  -  let's bring on the healing feeling of  'Dr. Jaaazz'...!

We kick off the month on the 7th feb. with a rare visit from the 'Woodwind Whirlwind' himself Andor Jensen. Believe it or not, a dyed in the wool  born and bred Scouser  -  but of Norwegian heritage. Plays all the instruments in the woodwind family amazingly but specialises on Soprano & Tenor Sax.

The following week (14 Feb) another Saxophone Supremo  Mr. Andy Morel! Also plays Soprano  - and Alto but his speciality is 'The Beast' . Always a pleasure to hear the big brown & deep sound  of the Baritone when it's played by someone as good as Andy.  Oh... and he's a knock out 'bluesy' vocalist too !

The arrival of the 21st Feb heralds the arrival of our first 'chanteuse' of February. The wonderful Ms. Nicki Allan! Great singer !.... Great teacher too actually  -  In addition to her stage career she's the 'Jazz & Pop Vocal Coach' at The Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester .
To close out the month on 28 Feb, would you believe , yet another incredible sax player! And by the weirdest of coincidences one also of Norwegian extraction .  He's the improvising genius considered the walking yardstick of where all aspiring sax players aim to reach in the world of music   -  So it has to be the one and only Munch Manship !

Time to shut the medicine chest of Dr. Jazz at Frederiks for Feb.   -   recuperation complete ! But don't forget to check out our special 'ParrJazz Presents' events going on elsewhere in the area
Always tasty are the 'Saturday Sounds ' emanating from Ma Boyles on ...yes you've guessed it....Saturdays ! Evening sessions by the way  -  kick off any time after 8.

And also well worth looking out for are our occasional promotions slightly further afield. These usually feature international jazz artists together with the finest home grown burgeoning talent. The next one on the horizon  is the concert by Chris Potter & the Inner City Ensemble on 14th. April at Parr Hall Warrington.  Groovy stuff !

As always the  'Jazz Train' rolls on ....this time on into March where waiting at the stations along the way  are more  of the finest jazz talent the planet has to offer. A wonderful mixed bag  including Ben Crosland, Jon Wheatcroft , John Hallam and lots more. But be patient - the nitty gritty about them will be unveiled in the March edition of the "The ParrJazz Bugle". Meanwhile Keep the Faith  -  Keep Swingin'  & Keep Warm . And keep coming down to Fred's where no two Tuesdays are ever the same  - The essence of jazz I guess you could say !

From All Of Us @ ParrJazz .............We Love You Madly !

Parr Jazz
32 Hope Street

Check the Parrjazz website for April Listings- www.parrjazz.com

from NorthernJazzLive http://ift.tt/2jZ8Wnm 'FAB FEB!' at Liverpool's Parr Jazz - Entrepreneur Generations

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