Marine renewable energy >>> Wave hub site launched off Cornwall - Entrepreneur Generations

The coast clearly offers opportunities for generating energy:
Futures Forum: The future of tidal power... in Sidmouth >>> "The 'Tidal Power REEF' is still alive and well"

A question is whether coastal protection projects can include power production:
Futures Forum: Beach Management Plan: choosing consultants to draw up a business case

Meanwhile, there are new technologies happening in the West Country:
Wave energy and tidal energy test site in Cornwall

Sea monster to generate electricity from waves

By West Briton  |  Posted: February 08, 2017

Gwave's 3,000-tonne 'ship' being built in Maine. It is expected to be moored in the sea off Cornwall next year

Sea monster to generate electricity from waves | Cornwall Live

GWave launches Wave Hub Project

American wave energy developer, GWave has today announced its plans for a 9MW wave energy project to be deployed at Wave Hub, Cornwall.  

GWave, based in Portland, Maine, USA has spent the past decade developing its Power Generation Vessel (PGV) technology, an innovative wave energy device of a scale that is unprecedented, and is preparing to bring the first full-scale vessel across the Atlantic for installation at the Wave Hub site in Cornwall. 

GWave chose Wave Hub in recognition of the strong wave resource, infrastructure, and industry experience available there. Over recent months GWave has engaged with the south west and wider UK supply chain, including Falmouth based Mojo Maritime, A&P and Northumberland based Tension Technologies International.

GWave and its partners are now conducting detailed tests of the mooring system at the world-leading Coastal, Ocean and Sediment Transport (COAST) laboratory at Plymouth University. 

GWave launches Wave Hub Project

This project was featured last month - as something offering some promise:
Futures Forum: This year, 'seek out and support one of the many conservation groups dedicated to protecting our natural resources: The battle ahead is still an uphill one, but at least it's beginning to look like one we can win.'

And last year's Budget offered support for such 'clean technologies':
Futures Forum: Climate change: and the budget >>> fossil fuel tax breaks and a clean energy tax hike

from Futures Forum Marine renewable energy >>> Wave hub site launched off Cornwall - Entrepreneur Generations

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