Refu-Jazz raises £1800! - Entrepreneur Generations

Alex Podraza, Roz MacDonald and Steve Hanley at Refu-Jazz

From Lesley Jeffries - Jazz at Heart Leeds

Wow! What an incredible day we had -

  • £1800+ raised for six Leeds refugee charities (see below if you want to contribute)
  • approx 73 musicians playing their hearts out for free
  • at least 300 people dropping in and out to listen and contribute to the funds throughout the day
  • three workshops on voice, guitar and bass

If you weren't able to be there and want to contribute to the fund, please transfer to jazz-at-heart's bank account (40-27-16 91555162) and put Refu-jazz as your reference. It would be great to get up to the magic number of £2000! Thanks to those who have already done so:)

So - thanks are due to John Marley for his great idea, his scheduling (yes John - that was crucial!) and his chilled attitude which meant that I had an incredibly relaxed day! Thanks also to ALL the musicians who gave their time and talents in such a generous spirit and to HEART for making us welcome. And most of all thanks to the audience - for turning up and paying up! It's going to happen again - I already have people queuing up to play! But not for a while yet...

Meantime - a great gig at HEART on March 11th - Alison Rayner, supported by Abbie Finn. Both female-led bands - will be a great night in the week of International Women's Day!

Best wishes to you all
Jazz at Heart
Heart Centre
Bennett Road
Leeds, West Yorkshire LS6 3HN

from NorthernJazzLive Refu-Jazz raises £1800! - Entrepreneur Generations

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