Brexit: and a strategy for UK wildlife conservation >>> >>> talk from the Devon Wildlife Trust >>> Weds 29th March: 7pm in Exeter - Entrepreneur Generations

What's the future for the county's environment?
Futures Forum: Brexit: and spelling disaster for Devon wildlife

The Chief Exec of the Devon Wildlife Trust will be speaking about this tonight in Exeter:

Brexit strategy

Harry BartonHarry Barton

Event details

Wed, 29/03/2017 - 7:15pm - 8:30pm

Is the future bright or bleak for UK wildlife conservation outside the EU?
Views on the challenges and opportunities from DWT's Chief Executive Harry Barton.
Organised by Exeter DWT local group.

Venue location

Richmond Room, Exeter Community Centre, 
17 St David's Hill,

Brexit strategy | Devon Wildlife Trust

from Futures Forum Brexit: and a strategy for UK wildlife conservation >>> >>> talk from the Devon Wildlife Trust >>> Weds 29th March: 7pm in Exeter - Entrepreneur Generations

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