Beach Management Plan: 'technically favoured' option or 'preferred option' - and 'preferred' by whom? - Entrepreneur Generations

The BMP steering group met recently to decide on where to take the project:
Futures Forum: Beach Management Plan: choosing consultants to draw up a business case

The District Council has agreed to forge ahead:
Futures Forum: Beach Management Plan: Cabinet approves next stage

The point being that there are still two options on the table:
Futures Forum: Beach Management Plan: all agencies support both options

You would not have thought so from current reports:

Breaking news & sport in Sidmouth | Sidmouth Herald

See also:
Press releases about the Sidmouth and East Beach Management Plan - East Devon

from Futures Forum Beach Management Plan: 'technically favoured' option or 'preferred option' - and 'preferred' by whom? - Entrepreneur Generations

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