Knowle relocation project >>> the ICO issues a new Decision Notice: "The council has failed to comply fully with this request and in doing so has breached sections of the FOI Act" - Entrepreneur Generations

A week ago, the Information Commissioner issued its latest Decision Notice about the District Council failing to provide information on the Knowle relocation project:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> the ICO issues a new Decision Notice asking for clarification on the District Council's energy saving 'model'

The District Council has now 'clarified' its position on the energy saving model put together by consultants Grant Thornton:
> That it is too big to redact and is only available digitally anyway... 

[In response, a further complaint has been directed to the ICO.]

It seems that Councillors viewed it themselves back in March 2015, before the vote to postpone the project was rejected - and this model was again referred to in the agenda of the Scrutiny Cttee of 2nd February 2016: 
“The business case by the Audit and Governance Committee and external auditors Grant Thornton”

More on the 'business case' later...
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: and the Exeter bus station project >>> FOI on business case goes to Tribunal
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project >>> a case built on assumption... or, how did we get this far without a business case?
Business case for Knowle relocation project – 1st February 2017 - a Freedom of Information request to East Devon District Council - WhatDoTheyKnow

Meanwhile, the Information Commissioner has just published its Decision Notice on-line:

With its comment available under '21st March 2017' at its search facility:

East Devon District Council

21 March 2017, Local government (District council)
The complainant has requested information from East Devon District Council (the council) in respect of predicted energy costs at Knowle in the context of the council's office relocation project, and the documents used to reach those estimates. The council provided some information, but maintained that it did not hold the remainder. During the course of the Commissioner's investigation, further information was located within the scope of the request and some of this was provided. The Commissioner's decision is that the council has failed to comply fully with this request and in doing so has breached section 1, section 10 and section 17 of the FOIA.
FOI 1:Partly upheldFOI 10:Partly upheldFOI 17:Partly upheld

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project >>> the ICO issues a new Decision Notice: "The council has failed to comply fully with this request and in doing so has breached sections of the FOI Act" - Entrepreneur Generations

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