Futures Forum: BREAKING NEWS >>> Sidford business park > Fords planning application >>> 16/0669/MOUT >>> REFUSED
It is in the local plan, however:
Futures Forum: The Local Plan and Sidford
Although it is open to 'interpretation':
Futures Forum: Developing the Sidford employment site: "A Local Plan is not set in stone. It can adapt to ‘material changes’."
The developer is not interested in taking it to appeal - as yet:
No appeal against refusal of 9.3-acre business park outside Sidford
PUBLISHED: 12:30 13 April 2017
The six-month window to challenge the refusal of plans to build a 9.3-acre business park at Sidford has now closed – and no appeal has been lodged
East Devon District Council (EDDC) said it is now up to the landowner to consider future options for the site off Two Bridges Road.
However, the wider 12-acre plot has a strategic allocation as employment land in the authority’s Local Plan, so EDDC expects the site will be developed by 2031, according to a spokeswoman.
EDDC refused plans for the major development in September.
Councillors said the proposed development would harm the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, depend on ‘unsuitable’ roads and impact on neighbours without adequate mitigation.
A petition to ‘say no’ to the business park attracted more than 1,100 signatures and 384 objections were lodged with EDDC.
The applicants had until last Monday, March 27, to appeal the refusal.
The Sid Vale Association was among the opponents.
Richard Thurlow, its conservation and planning committee chairman, said: “We were all delighted when the application was refused in September last year, but there was always the chance that the decision might be appealed.
“We can now feel relieved that this ‘Sword of Damocles’ has been lifted.
“However, the site still exists in the Local Plan as an ‘employment site’ and we must still be aware that other proposals might come forward – and we must be prepared to fight them if they do.”
The landowner and applicant were approached for comment.
No appeal against refusal of 9.3-acre business park outside Sidford - Breaking news & sport in Sidmouth | Sidmouth Herald
With comment from the EDA:
Sidford Fields industrial estate: no appeal by developers … but | East Devon Watch
See also:
Futures Forum: Seven alternative options to develop Sidford's AONB
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2nKp5DP Sidford business park > Fords planning application >>> 16/0669/MOUT >>> no appeal lodged - Entrepreneur Generations
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