Thomas Paine: a revolutionary for our times: Sat 6th May - Entrepreneur Generations

Two hundred years ago, the Revolutionary thinker Thomas Paine was keen on the ideas of a Land Value Tax:
Futures Forum: A solution to our housing problems >>> a land value tax
Futures Forum: A solution to our housing problems >>> deter property and land speculation

And a Universal Basic Income:
Futures Forum: Universal Basic Income and Negative Income Tax versus 'funding for the more deserving poor'

A session is being devoted to him - in verse and song next Saturday in Totnes:
Musical tribute to Paine | News | Totnes Times

In May 2017 don’t miss:

Leon Rosselson and Robb Johnson’s celebration of 
the life and writings of Tom Paine
The Liberty Tree
Saturday May 6th 2017
Civic Hall, High Street, Totnes, TQ9 5SF
18.00 Doors open.  Wonderful soup and bread from the Kitchen Table
18.15 – 19.15 Discussion of Tom Paine’s ideas about land. (All you need is an interest in land, peace and social justice).
We have just republished his Agrarian Justice (the proposal for a Universal (Basic) Income funded by Land Value Taxation) and his Proposal that Louisiana be Purchased (his proposal for avoiding war between the USA and France).  Both of these ideas are highly relevant to our situation right now.
19.30 The Liberty Tree. This evening brings together two of Britain’s greatest singer-songwriters, Robb Johnson and Leon Rosselson. Their songs pull no political punches and lift the spirits of anybody with any sort of concern about contemporary life, politics and society.
They are re-united to perform The Liberty Tree, their tribute to Tom Paine so this is an opportunity not to be missed.  They interweave some of their most-loved songs (including The World Turned Upside Down and Red and Green) with readings by and about Tom Paine.  For a review of their performance in March see
Please reserve a place in advance to be sure of a place (and soup). There is no fixed charge but donations on the night.  Book now
double CD is available.

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from Futures Forum Thomas Paine: a revolutionary for our times: Sat 6th May - Entrepreneur Generations

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