What are the likely scenarios for 'regeneration' at the Eastern end of Town?
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> a Premier Inn comes to Eastern Town?
Looking at what's been happening to Exmouth might make Sidmouthians pause for thought:
Futures Forum: Regenerating Exmouth seafront >>> the District Council gets 'creative' with creating a new 'community group' to 'deliver a vision for Exmouth'
Not only is it about the potential for wasting opportunities:
Futures Forum: The District Council and not bothering about its S106 cash
It's also very much about a top-down process, as suggested by the East Devon Watch blog:
1 APR 2017
“Board Structure
Voting Members
EDDC Portfolio Holder for Economy (who shall be the Chair)
EDDC Portfolio Holder for Sustainable Homes and Communities (Vice Chair)
EDDC Exmouth Champion
EDDC Tourism Champion
2 x Devon County Councillor (one who shall represent Exmouth)
2 x Exmouth Town Councillor
And then one representative from each of;
Clinton Devon Estates
Exmouth Chamber of Commerce
Exmouth Licensed Victuallers Association
Exmouth Community Organisations Liaison Panel
Exe Estuary Partnership representative
Non-Voting Members
Alderman Tim Wood
And then one representative from each of;
Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group representative
Leisure East Devon representative
Exmouth tourism business (eg holiday accommodation)
Food and drink business (eg restaurateur)
Exmouth landowner
Exmouth commercial developer”
http://ift.tt/2oeL6Kn page 89
SO reminiscent of the East Devon Business Forum!!!
And why Clinton Devon Estates when EDDC bought out their restrictive covenant on the site? What exactly is their interest?
Why a licensed victualler – don’t we have enough of them at EDDC already!
Alderman Tim Woods – don’t go there, Owl. So reminiscent of … no, no, no do NOT go there!
All the usual suspects, many of whom have, or will have, vested interests in the final outcome. No-one with REAL scrutiny teeth.
Peter Halse as Chairman!!!
Exmouth Regeneration Board: an East Devon Business Forum clone? | East Devon Watch
1 APR 2017
“The voting membership of the Board may invite additional non-voting members as detailed above to join the Board as they deem appropriate. The may also remove non-voting members from the Board as they deem appropriate.
Eligibility for non-voting membership of the Board will be subject to a protocol that ensures that members are fit and proper persons eg covering matters of criminal record, bankruptcy, not being subject to planning enforcement etc.
To assist the Board they may invite any individuals with particular expertise (including other elected Members) and/or representatives of organisations to attend.
Officers of the District Council, County Council and the Exmouth Town Clerk will attend in an advisory capacity only. The District Council will provide the secretariat service for the Board.”
“Fit and proper persons” … fit for what and proper for what?
Exmouth Regeneration “Business Forum” (2) – the rules! | East Devon Watch
The government promised it would be different:
Powers over regeneration will remain with communities - GOV.UK
Here's an interview on the topic from two local activists:
Regeneration: Top Down v Bottom Up INTV Jessica Leech - Silwood Estate Rotherhithe - Spectacle Video Archives
As suggested recently:
Michael Heseltine: ‘Put residents in charge of estate regeneration’ | News | Architects Journal
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2nbft4Y Top-down regeneration in East Devon - Entrepreneur Generations
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