Wisconsin Legislature will leave public notices alone; battles still going on in N.C. and other states - Entrepreneur Generations

The Wisconsin Legislature's budget committee has dropped legislation that would have removed many paid public notices from newspapers in the state, the Wisconsin Newspaper Association reports.

"The Joint Finance Committee also removed the provision from the budget that would have eliminated the public notice of timber sales," WNA Executive Director Beth Bennett wrote in an email to me,bers. "There are many members of the legislature that must be thanked for their support of the newspaper industry. The WNA encourages each of you to thank your state representatives as soon as possible."

Bennett added, "Our readers should also be thanked for the hundreds of calls that were placed into legislative offices over the past several weeks; reader support made a big impact on the success of our effort to preserve public notice."

The battle in Wisconsin is one of several going on in state legislatures around the country. Two bills reducing notice have passed in Arkansas and a major battle in going on in North Carolina. For tracking of the issue, see the Public Notice Resource Center.

from The Rural Blog http://ift.tt/2oPFfsw Wisconsin Legislature will leave public notices alone; battles still going on in N.C. and other states - Entrepreneur Generations

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