A simple guide to algorithms - Entrepreneur Generations

If you're not quite sure what 'algorithms' are
Futures Forum: Brexit: and the use of data analytics

... how about this for clarification from the New Yorker:

Satirical Cartoons - The New Yorker

BBC Bitesize - What is an algorithm?
BBC Bitesize - GCSE Computer Science - Introducing algorithms - Revision 1
What is an algorithm and why should you care? (video) | Khan Academy

And in the news of late:
The Monday Stack: An Election Win for Algorithms? - DMN
How Algorithms and Authoritarianism Created a Corporate Nightmare at United
Introduction to algorithms, machine learning and AI

Finally, from today's Guardian:

Using your personal data is now second nature for politicians

From calling the election to knocking on your door, politicians are using big data to make decisions. No wonder we feel uncomfortable
Using your personal data is now second nature for politicians | Bernard Marr | Opinion | The Guardian
Big data’s power is terrifying. That could be good news for democracy | George Monbiot | Opinion | The Guardian
How statistics lost their power, and why we should fear what comes next - podcast | News | The Guardian

from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2qUw6Qv A simple guide to algorithms - Entrepreneur Generations

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