Knowle relocation project: and the parallels with the Beehive centre in Honiton >>> in April 2014, a Honiton town councillor resigned citing the “unacceptable” burden on tax payers for the town’s community complex... - Entrepreneur Generations

The costs of relocation will be costing the taxpayer a fair whack:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: ‘spend now, pay later’

Perhaps it is not a good time to be relocating buildings to Honiton:
Shocking evening at Honiton Town Council as two quit - including newly elected mayor

As the EDW blog points out, much of what seems to be going on is over the "finances around the Beehive build":


9 MAY 2017

THREE more resignations since yesterday’s shock resignation of the Mayor only minutes after she had been elected:

“Honiton Town Council has been dealt a double blow after two more councillors quit the authority.

Former mayor Peter Halse and Luke Harvey-Ingram tendered their resignation today, meaning one fifth of the council has quit in the last 48 hours.

Yesterday evening, the council was rocked after new mayor Ashley Delasalle attacked the authority before dramatically resigning on the spot and leaving the meeting.

Her exit was followed by David Perkins quitting as a member, the council-appointed director of Honiton Community Complex Ltd and temporary responsible financial officer.

His resigned after councillors voted to remove him from a committee investigating the finances around the Beehive build.”

Two more Honiton town councillors resign - Breaking news & sport in Devon | Midweek Herald

The Beehive community centre has been surrounded by controversy since its inception, when it was given a massive amount of money by EDDC (unlike most other similar centres in other towns) and got into much financial difficulty from the start, see here:
and here:
Honiton councillor resigns over Beehive Community Complex | Devon Live [April 2014]

What is going on at Honiton Town Council (and the Beehive)? | East Devon Watch

Here is an excerpt from that last article:

Honiton councillor resigns over Beehive Community Complex

By Devon Live | Posted: April 15, 2014

A HONITON town councillor has resigned citing the “unacceptable” burden on tax payers of a £53,000-a-year loan and the £20,000-a-year rent for the town’s long anticipated community complex as one of the reasons.

Honiton councillor resigns over Beehive Community Complex | Devon Live

However, a comment from former East Devon Alliance chair is of interest:

Paul Arnott says:
18 Jun 2014 at 10:18am

It is well known that the development of the Beehive project encountered much political meddling at town and district level.

However, I would want to put on record my personal admiration for the outcome. It is an excellent, flexible space of which the town and surrounding communities ought to be proud.

Very often petty jealousies and gleeful ignorance can blight projects like this, and it is clear that the Beehive has been scarred by its difficult genesis. A real pity, because its vision and potential are outstanding.

It seems that the best form of governance is an independent charity with a clear plan agreed by all parties for the future.

However, although the financial projections for both the sale of Sidmouth assets by EDDC and the proposed move to Skypark have not yet inspired much real confidence in those looking on, the Beehive is not an analogous project, and deserves more than being used as a rod with which to beat EDDC.

Matters of financial high risk | East Devon Watch

It is indeed a fine building, compared to so many local authority sponsored pieces - but the saga around the Beehive has been going on since it started:

Fears new Honiton Beehive complex lease will hit town taxpayers

By Devon Live | Posted: August 12, 2014

FRESH concerns have been raised about the impact on tax payers in Honiton over the town council’s ambitious £2m community complex project.

The Beehive Community Complex has been a 20-year vision of the town council and is widely regarded as a huge asset to the community, hosting numerous community groups and performances.

But, as previously reported by the Echo, it is also proving a hugely controversial and divisive matter.

At Monday’s full council meeting, councillors were due to approve the granting of a 10 year lease of the complex – which it pays £20,000 a year rent on – to the Honiton Community Complex Company trading as The Beehive, which runs the building, for £1 a year.

Honiton Town Council to borrow extra “ back-up” £100,000 loan to cover disputed Beehive complex costs
Honiton Town Council is not in debt because of Beehive community centre scheme, mayor confirms
Concerns raised over decision to grant £1 a year 10 year lease to company that runs Honiton’s Beehive complex
Honiton councillor seeks legal advice over Beehive Judicial Review
Honiton councillors to debate East Devon's offer to fund audit into Beehive complex funding

Fears new Honiton Beehive complex lease will hit town taxpayers | Devon Live

This blog has also looked at the mess that appears to be happening around the Beehive:
Futures Forum: The opaque world of funding East Devon's arts and culture

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project: and the parallels with the Beehive centre in Honiton >>> in April 2014, a Honiton town councillor resigned citing the “unacceptable” burden on tax payers for the town’s community complex... - Entrepreneur Generations

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