SidEnergy trip to biodigester > Tuesday 6th June - Entrepreneur Generations

A couple of years ago, permission was given to build a 'biodigester' near Clyst St Mary, near Exeter:
14/0858/MFUL | Construction of agricultural anaerobic digester plant for production of renewable energy | Enfield Farm Oil Mill Lane Clyst St Mary Exeter EX5 1AF
Enfield Farm, Clyst St Mary anaerobic digester – permitted « CPRE Devon

This is how it works:

Biodigester - Surrey Docks Farm London

And if you want to see one such plant in operation, there's a visit to Clyst St Mary planned.

Here's a message from SidEnergy:

Dear SidEnergy supporter,

SidEnergy have arranged for us to visit a "biodigester" at Enfield Farm, Oil Mill Lane, Clyst St Mary, Exeter, EX5 1AF, on Tuesday 6th June at 10.30 a.m.

This is a good opportunity for the group to visit relatively new technology that is producing electricity and gas for the grid, from agricultural material.  Operated by Greener for Life Energy Limited.

This is an busy operating site with some risks, so high visibility vests and hard hats will be provided but please wear suitable footwear (e.g. boots).

If possible, we will try and car share, so please let me know if you are willing to drive. The 9, 9A bus also stops near to the site.

We have limited spaces, so please let me know if you would like to come (first come first served basis).

We hope to see you soon.

Best wishes,

Graham Hutchinson (on behalf of SidEnergy) 

Or contact via the VGS site:
Vision Group for Sidmouth - Contact

See also:
Futures Forum: District heating systems run on waste... from Scandanavia
Futures Forum: Food for fuel... anaerobic digestion... and farming in Devon

from Futures Forum SidEnergy trip to biodigester > Tuesday 6th June - Entrepreneur Generations

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