Knowle relocation project: deadline to appeal planning decision >>> today, 6th June - Entrepreneur Generations

Developers had their planning application at Knowle refused on 6th December last year:
9 December 2016 - East Devon’s Development Management Committee refuse permission to build 113-apartments at EDDC’s offices at Knowle in Sidmouth - East Devon
Today truly IS a day for miracles! Pegasus Knowle planning application REFUSED by DMC | East Devon Watch

They have had six months to appeal:
Appeal a planning decision: When you can appeal - GOV.UK

And the deadline is today, 6th June - and there doesn't seem to be any activity on the council's website:
View planning applications, enforcements and planning appeals - East Devon

And commentators don't think an appeal would have that much chance anyway:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: "The chance of Pegasus winning an appeal is probably not that great"

This is despite sightings in the grounds of Knowle back in April:

Revised Knowle plans in progress?

April 28, 2017 by sidmouthsid

A photographer working in the Knowle gardens this morning was apparently taking pictures to “clarify some view points regarding the development”.

The Pegasus Life planning application was refused (Dec 2016) not just on grounds of overdevelopment and overlooking, but on multiple counts of non-compliance with EDDC’s Local Plan and planning policies.

Notwithstanding, Cabinet ploughs on with its circuitous ‘ambition’ to relocate. 


Revised Knowle plans in progress? | Save Our Sidmouth

The problem is that the District Council has put all its bets on being able to sell of the Knowle site to finance its relocation project:
28 April 2017 - Council gives the green light to ‘Go Now’ option to build new Honiton HQ for East Devon - East Devon

As reported in the press:
Major decisions have been made in East Devon - recap | Devon Live
District council opts for ‘go now’ relocation option - Breaking news & sport in Devon | Midweek Herald
East Devon HQ relocation 'is the best option for the council' | Devon Live

There are rather a lot of related issues meanwhile:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: and the parallels with the Beehive centre in Honiton >>> in April 2014, a Honiton town councillor resigned citing the “unacceptable” burden on tax payers for the town’s community complex...
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project and the great town hall property buying spree >>> "Why is the government lending to local authorities to buy real estate on terms that make bank lending to the property sector before the [great financial crisis] look positively conservative”
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: and facing bankruptcy
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: ‘spend now, pay later’
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: and ‘undeliverable’ projects

See five year's worth of campaigning on the issue:
Our Campaign | Save Our Sidmouth

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project: deadline to appeal planning decision >>> today, 6th June - Entrepreneur Generations

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