Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: BREAKING NEWS >>> "PegasusLife have lodged their appeal with the Inspectorate"
... here is more from a correspondent:
Speaking with the Planning Inspectorate this morning Planning Inspectorate - GOV.UK the Pegasus Life appeal was lodged on Wednesday 7th but is unlikely to start for 6-7 weeks, it will then take at least 14 weeks but probably more as it is a major application with a lot of documentation.
EDDC is responsible for notifying people who objected and also for publishing the reasons for appeal documentation.
The appeal reference is 3177340 if contacting the Inspectorate and the original application reference for EDDC is 16/0872/MFUL:
The Save Our Sidmouth site makes several very pertinent observations this morning:
June 9, 2017 by sidmouthsid
Further to our previous post http://ift.tt/2sKCf2B, the following points may be of interest, though not necessarily relevant.
The Development Management Committee (DMC) which made the refusal, appears to have problems of its own:
1. The two Conservative councillors who voted along with their Independent colleagues to reject the planning application, have been removed from the DMC in a reshuffle.
2. EDDC Vice Chair, Helen Parr, who sits on the DMC, stood in for DMC Vice-Chair Mike Howe for the morning session (06/12/2016). She has since reportedly been under police investigation regarding another matter, making headlines in the Express& Echo (see ‘Probe into Tory’s planning interest’, below), and major stories in both ‘Pullman’s View from’ and the Western Morning News.
3. The audio recording for 06/12/2017 is not available on the EDDC website due to ‘technical difficulties’.
Regarding point 3, above, the public are of course permitted to record and video council meetings. Some key speeches to this DMC were reproduced verbatim on the SOS website, as here: http://ift.tt/2hqGuda
Save Our Sidmouth
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2sKuJVu Knowle relocation project: latest on the PegasusLife appeal - Entrepreneur Generations
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