Futures Forum: Neighbourhood Plan: survey for the Valley's youth >>> calling for more wide-ranging jobs and facilities for young people
The 'problem' is how to get young adults interested - a 'difficult demographic' to get involved - although this particular involvement can be crucial:
Futures Forum: "Young people, here's what no one is telling you about the general election: you could swing it."
It's certainly key for the future of the Sid Valley:
Futures Forum: Maintaining a balanced community in Sidmouth
Here is a plea from a member of the Neighbourhood Plan steering group:
YOUR help is needed in gathering the opinions of young adults
26 June 2017
The Sid Valley Neighbourhood Plan is a very important document that will determine how Sidmouth Town Council and East Devon District Council approach planning decisions in the Sid Valley over the next 20 years or so.
ALL residents have a chance to offer their thoughts and opinions.
There is just one week left to have your say and while plenty of the older folk in the community have probably already made their feelings known, it would give greater balance to the findings if more households where the main bread winner are 20 – 40 years old would respond.
Since the survey is only open for one more week… young adults are digital savvy… and the survey is available for completion online then your help is needed in getting your neighbours / friends to…
Complete the online survey ASAP >>>
The Neighbourhood Plan folks have had over 1000 surveys completed so far and so it would be good to get many more completed by young adults to give the results more balance.
If you could spread the word to 2 or 3 young families you know I’m sure they’d be grateful.
Thank you.
YOUR help is needed in gathering the opinions of young adults – EX10 Sidmouth
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2rV4vPl Neighbourhood Plan > Hello young adults: have your say! - Entrepreneur Generations
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