Big Butterfly Count: 14th July - 6th August - Entrepreneur Generations

This year's Big Butterfly Count is now under way:

Counting butterflies is more critical than ever. Last year the number of Gatekeeper, Comma and Small Copper butterflies spotted during the Big Butterfly Count dropped to the lowest levels since the survey began in 2010.

We need you to help us track how species are faring across the UK this year.
Be Part Of The World's Biggest Butterfly Survey
Watch naturalist and Butterfly Conservation Vice-president, Nick Baker, explain how easy it is to take part in the Big Butterfly Count 
Identify And Report Your Sightings
1) Print a Big Butterfly Count chart or download the free app to your phone or tablet.
2) Choose a sunny spot outside and spend 15 minutes looking for butterflies.

With the app, you can identify and log your sightings while you are out and about. If you use the chart to record your butterfly sightings, don't forget to log on to the Big Butterfly Count website to tell us what you've seen.
Sir David Attenborough says:
"The Big Butterfly Count is good for butterflies because your sightings will tell us which species need help and in which areas we need to help them. But it is also good for you. Fifteen minutes spent watching butterflies in the summer sunshine is priceless; spending time with butterflies lifts the spirits and reinvigorates that sense of wonder in the natural world."

Marbled White at Hatch Hill on the Poldens in Somerset, taken by 2016's competition winner, Victoria Hillman.
Useful Links...
We are running more than 170 events across the UK during the Big Butterfly Count. Find out what's on near you. Get acquainted with the butterflies in your area and the beautiful places where they live.
Discover what to plant to provide for butterflies, moths and other pollinators on your patch. We've got gardening tips and advice, planting plans and projects from window boxes to wildflower meadows.
This year's Big Butterfly Count has been sponsored by Waitrose. Visit their website to find out more about how they are protecting and promoting butterfly and bee populations.

Butterfly Conservation - Home

from Futures Forum Big Butterfly Count: 14th July - 6th August - Entrepreneur Generations

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