Interactive maps give county-by-county estimates of premiums under current Senate health-insurance bill - Entrepreneur Generations

The fate of health-insurance legislation in the Senate remains very much up in the air, but the Kaiser Family Foundation has updated its interactive, county-level map showing how the latest version of the Better Care Reconciliation Act would affect premiums for silver-level Obamacare plans, the type most commonly purchased with tax-credit subsidies. Pop-up tables for each county also show premiums for cheaper bronze-level plans, the amounts of tax credits (or savings from putting pre-tax income into health-savings accounts), and the change from current law.

The map can be adjusted for age (27, 40 and 60) and income (mostly in in $10,000 increments), and individual states can be selected for a closer look. The figures are the estimated premium in 2020 after tax credits. Here's a screenshot of estimates for a 40-year-old with $40,000 annual income (click on it for a larger version):
Here's an example of the detail available, showing one county in Kentucky. Click on it for a larger version.

from The Rural Blog Interactive maps give county-by-county estimates of premiums under current Senate health-insurance bill - Entrepreneur Generations

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