The consultants looking into Port Royal have put together a survey:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation >> tomorrow, Mon 31st July last opportunity to have your say
And today at 5pm, it will come to a close, as the Sidmouth Drill Hall Rescue site reminds us:
Dear Friends,
This is your last call for the Scoping Exercise Consultation Survey. It closes at end of work tomorrow, Mon 31st July.
The links to it and to the 3Rs petition to consider the option Retain-Refurbish-Renew are on the latest blog post
If you complete the survey please feel free to ignore questions you don't like/use the boxes to tell them that it is a badly compiled survey, etc, etc, etc, ..... we have :-)
Although the Survey will close the petition remains open, and of course you can write to Sidmouth Town Councillors too to tell them that the Ham Charity land must be left alone. As Trustee it is their duty to follow the rules and protect it.
There are hints of a Grand Picnic happening on The Ham on 27th August to back the idea of 'making good' what we already have at Port Royal.
This is in addition to the guaranteed public meeting on 23rd August at All Saints Church Hall, 7.30pm start.
Put both dates in your diary and come along to ask questions and put your views.
Don't forget to keep checking the blog.
kind regards, Mary |
Blog - Sidmouth Drill Hall Rescue
Just over 24 hours until the survey closes!
from Futures Forum Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation >> today, Monday 31st July last opportunity to have your say -
Entrepreneur Generations
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