Regeneration in East Devon: "It’s a pity that a small band of protesters seem to want to whip up opposition to our regeneration proposals by making frequently mischievous accusations." - Entrepreneur Generations

Cllr Phil Twiss is the new Portfolio holder for Strategic Development and Partnerships in East Devon - giving an overview of all big projects in the District:
Phil Twiss - East Devon

Cllr Twiss has also been appointed Deputy to Leader Cllr Diviani of the District Council:
Long-serving Axminster Councillor, Andrew Moulding was appointed East Devon District Council’s chairman while Honiton councillor Phil Twiss was made the deputy leader at the authority’s annual meeting on Monday.
East Devon District Council: new chairman voted in - Honiton, Axminster and Seaton news - Midweek Herald
These are the councillors who have senior roles in East Devon for the upcoming year | Devon Live

He has had very clear opinions about the Knowle relocation project:
Cllr Phil Twiss said: "If this was a business, you would not consider anything other than option one. We have had this debate over and over again and I don't see why we are even discussing this. Let's go forward and move on with this.East Devon HQ relocation 'is the best option for the council' | Devon Live
Futures Forum: "A truly green alternative to EDDC's proposal"

He also has had opinions on the Beach Management Plan for Sidmouth: 
“I have massive sympathy for the plight of residents in Cliff Road, which appears to have been caused by man-made intervention,” said Councillor Phil Twiss.
Sidmouth campaigners welcome cliff erosion solution vow - Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald
Futures Forum: Sidmouth Beach Management Plan Steering Group - background

Now that Cllr Moulding has been made chair of the District Council, his position as chair of the BMP will probably now be taken on by Cllr Twiss, as head of Strategic Development:
Sidmouth and East Beach Management Plan - East Devon

And Cllr Twiss has very clear opinions about the development of Exmouth's seafront, as posted on an Exmouth Facebook page recently:

Don't be taken in by wild accusations designed to hinder Exmouth's progress

On behalf of East Devon Conservatives, I’d appeal to the public of Exmouth to make... up their own minds about the next stage of the Exmouth Vision regeneration project, rather than being swayed by wild accusations and misinformation.

In recent weeks there has been frantic speculation on local social media sites about EDDC’s motives for the latest phase in upgrading Exmouth’s seafront to make it a vibrant 21st Century resort, capable of competing for visitors with many other holiday destinations in the UK and in the South West of England.

Some of the wild accusations being bandied around – suggesting that our motivation is either fraudulent or driven by a shortage of cash – are not only totally untrue and insulting, but damaging for Exmouth. They were made in the build-up to a protest march organised by a local pressure group.

It’s a pity that a small band of protesters seem to want to whip up opposition to our regeneration proposals by making frequently mischievous accusations.

We have seen this before. There was determined opposition to the sale of the Elizabeth Hall, now the site of a very successful seafront hotel, owned by a national brand and offering employment and much-needed visitor beds, so boosting Exmouth’s attractiveness to holidaymakers. Funds from that deal were reinvested in the new Mamhead Slipway – a real boon for the many boating enthusiasts who love the Exe Estuary.

Along the coast at Seaton, a small but determined protest group opposed our regeneration vision, one feature of which was a discovery centre. Seaton Jurassic is now not only a hugely successful visitor attraction but in June won the latest in a series of leisure and tourism awards.

The upgrading of leisure facilities on Queens Drive is the next phase in EDDC's long-term regeneration scheme, based on a well-publicised Exmouth Masterplan, the subject of extensive public consultation that will continue as each element of the proposals comes forward.

Accusations that there has been little or insufficient consultation are quite simply incorrect. It’s sad that a small group of people persist in backing up their own personal views about our efforts to re-invigorate this fantastic town by trying to whip up wider opposition with the use of slurs against the council.

We appreciate of course that there will always be those who dislike change and oppose progress – and we understand that some people have a different view.

But we would strongly caution the vast majority of Exmothians who want their town to thrive and prosper to be sceptical about wild and unfounded accusations intended to cause alarm and despondency so as to undermine the very sound and worthwhile plans we are proposing to deliver.

Plans for the Watersports Centre should be out for consultation early in July. Each detailed proposal that comes forward will be the subject of scrutiny and further public consultation.

Phil Twiss, Conservative Group Secretary and Deputy Leader of EDDC

See also:
Exmouth Splash - Public Opinion & Discussion Page - Home | Facebook

from Futures Forum Regeneration in East Devon: "It’s a pity that a small band of protesters seem to want to whip up opposition to our regeneration proposals by making frequently mischievous accusations." - Entrepreneur Generations

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