The future of Devon's hospitals >>> a decision NOT to refer plans to close hospital beds across Devon to the Health Secretary - Entrepreneur Generations

A month ago, a very fraught County meeting decided to delay whether or not to protest formally about planned cuts:
Futures Forum: The future of Devon's hospitals >>> delaying a decision to refer "Orwellian" plans to close hospital beds across Devon to the Health Secretary

At another very fraught meeting on Tuesday, the decision was made not to refer matters any further - despite huge protests:
Bid to refer hospital bed closures to Health Secretary defeated at angry meeting | Devon Live
East Devon hospital bed cuts - no plea to Minister - Honiton, Axminster and Seaton news - Midweek Herald

The claims have been very strong indeed:
Health campaigners: Hospital closures will lead to 'patient deaths' | West Country - ITV News
Seaton council warns hospital bed cuts could cost lives - Honiton, Axminster and Seaton news - Midweek Herald

Including that this is a very personal struggle going back some time - involving the former Leader of the District Council:
How Tory Sara Randall Johnson took down rival Claire Wright's health campaign COMMENT | Devon Live

And that this involves the current Leader of the District Council:
Who exactly does EDDC Leader Diviani represent? And who does he consult? | East Devon Watch

Meanwhile, the County Councillor for Seaton is not mincing his words either:
The ‘Health Scrutiny Committee’ which didn’t scrutinise « SEATON & COLYTON matters

from Futures Forum The future of Devon's hospitals >>> a decision NOT to refer plans to close hospital beds across Devon to the Health Secretary - Entrepreneur Generations

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