It is clear that we are to face more flooding:
And it is clear that the South West will be badly effected:
Man-made climate change helped cause south of England floods, say scientists | University of Oxford
Plymouth, Devon and Cornwall areas at risk from rising sea levels | Plymouth Herald
The authorities will have to be 'imaginative' in how they deal with this.
Climate Change Strategy | Energy and Climate Change - Devon
For example, with proposals for the Central Park in Plymouth:
"Developing and implementing a strategic water management solution for the park that resolves historic flooding issues through innovative Sustainable Urban Drainage solutions including new water features that will be designed to add value to the park's landscape and deliver benefits for wildlife."
Massive plan reveals how south and west Devon could be developed | Devon Live
But not when it comes to building flats in Weymouth:
"Councillors have voted against recommendations and granted the build of eight new homes – despite major flood concerns. Weymouth and Portland Borough Council’s planning committee voted to approve the build of eight ‘chalet style’ bungalows on a site on Littlemoor Road despite the Environment Agency (EA) recommending it to be refused."
Weymouth and Portland councillors approve new builds in Littlemoor despite Environment Agency warning (From Dorset Echo)
In other words, ignoring EA advice might be necessary in order to get development done.
Whether on flood planes north of Sidford:
Vision Group for Sidmouth - VGS Futures Forum - comment on Sidford planning application
Environment Agency comment appears to contradict its own findings | Save Our Sidmouth
Or on the seafront at Port Royal:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation >> proposals now available
Or in the parkland at Knowle:
During the debate on the planning application in November last year, District Cllr Marianne Rixson referred to her objection:
I object to this application on the following grounds:
Strategy EN22 Flood Mitigation
Pegasus Life are trying to avoid the responsibility of installing adequate flood attenuation tanks to cope with flooding on the site. This contravenes East Devon Local Plan Policy EN22 (Surface Water Run-off Implications of New Development).
The Environment Agency report on Adapting to Climate Change: Advice for Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Authorities was issued on 13th April 2016. The report states: 'This advice should be applied to all future appraisals that are started (new) from March 2016 or are to be submitted for approval after 1st September 2016.'
Previously, The Environment Agency advised an increase in peak rainfall intensity of 20% in terms of surface water. This guidance has been revised in the south west to 40%. Pegasus must be required to provide double the flood attenuation tank storage: these tanks should also meet the design standards approved by South West Water.
If Pegasus Life are unwilling or unable to guarantee they will meet the new guidelines, this application must be refused, as The Environment Agency guidance is already a material consideration for all new planning applications and, therefore, a valid reason for planning objection.
16/0872/MFUL | Council Offices Knowle Sidmouth EX10 8HL
Reference was made to the flood-attenuation promised for the Woolbrook housing estate:
Futures Forum: Urban runoff and flooding in Sidmouth... Relying on 'Victorian plumbing' or building on soakaways...
Futures Forum: Persimmon, Sidmouth and "promoting well-designed housing that is sustainable and provides much-needed new housing..."
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: planning application rejected again by Town Council: 85% of the development should be restricted to local residents
It's all about the developers keeping it to a minimum:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: and '‘minimalist flood prevention measures’'
And that means planning officers giving a helping hand:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: planning application to be considered by District Council: Tuesday 6th December >>> planning officers brush aside planning policies
Whether it's technically feasible or not:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: dealing with flood risk from over-development is 'not technically feasible'
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