Knowle relocation project: PegasusLife appeal >>> deadline for submissions: 6th Sepetember - Entrepreneur Generations

Back in December last year, the District Council's planning committee rejected the application from developers PegasusLife to build a series of retirement blocks at Knowle:
Uncertain future for Knowle in Sidmouth after shock blow to East Devon council's relocation plans | Devon Live

This hasn't stopped the political leadership at the District Council from forging ahead with its 'relocation project':
Moving and Improving: all you need to know about the office relocation - The decision - East Devon

And that includes spending money on the relocation which they don't have:
Sale of Knowle set to be ‘uncoupled’ from EDDC’s £10million relocation - Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald

It also hasn't stopped the applicant from lodging an appeal:
Developer submits appeal to £7.5m Knowle plan refusals - Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald

The Save Our Sidmouth site has provided some useful background meanwhile:
EDDC attempts at Knowle sale.. some history | Save Our Sidmouth
Knowle update: Pegasus Life appeal is “major application with a lot of documentation” | Save Our Sidmouth
DMC matters | Save Our Sidmouth
More ineptitude by EDDC Cabinet as the relocation project limps on? | Save Our Sidmouth

If you wish to submit further comment about the original PegasusLife application and their current grounds for appeal, you can submit these directly to the Inspector - but by 6th September:

For the full documentation, see:
16/0872/MFUL | The construction of an assisted living community for older people comprising extra care units, staff accommodation and communal facilities, including a kitchen, restaurant/bar/cafe, a well-being suite comprising gym, treatment rooms and pool, a communal lounge and storage facilities; car parking for residents, visitors and staff of the assisted living community; comprehensive landscaping comprising communal and private spaces; and associated groundworks. | Council Offices Knowle Sidmouth EX10 8HL

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project: PegasusLife appeal >>> deadline for submissions: 6th Sepetember - Entrepreneur Generations

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