Plans for Port Royal: an alternative view: a new campaign: an online petition > The '3Rs' vision to "retain, refurbish and reuse" > public meeting Wednesday 23rd August - Entrepreneur Generations

The official consultation on proposals for Port Royal has now concluded, with 250 responses:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: anticipating a Regeneration Board >> Scoping Study consultation > 'No plans or designs are being considered or decided on at this stage, purely the possibility of improvement and viability of the important seafront site.'

An unofficial consultation has been running parallel:
Futures Forum: Plans for Port Royal: an alternative view: a new campaign: an online petition > The '3Rs' vision to "retain, refurbish and reuse" unveiled

This has included a petition - to be followed next week by a public meeting to consider the 'alternative proposals':

Dear Friends,

Thank you for signing the petition "an alternative plan for Sidmouth's Port Royal - the 3R's".

We've been collecting signatures on paper as well and the total has now passed 1000. We want to get as many signautres as possible, to show how strongly people feel about having appropriate development around Port Royal. So please remind everyone you know to sign, and help spread the word by forwarding the link below to your friends:

We're preparing the agenda for the public meeting (Wednesday August 23rd, All Saints Church Hall, All Saints Road, Sidmouth from 7pm) and this will be available shortly. 

The other date to put in your diary is the Sidmouth Town Council meeting on September 4th. Please attend this meeting if you can to show the town councillors how you feel. It's their role to represent the town, but to do that they need to see how people feel and hear what they want. 

We look forward to seeing many of you on August 23rd.
Thank you,

Cllrs Cathy Gardner, Matt Booth, Marianne Rixson and Dawn Manley

See also:
Graham shares alternative vision for Port Royal - Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald
BBC to highlight ‘Save Our Devon Seafronts’ campaign this Thursday (27 July). Port Royal, Sidmouth, will be featured. | Save Our Sidmouth
If YOUR vision for Port Royal isn’t the EDDC vision – you are “scaremongering” | East Devon Watch

from Futures Forum Plans for Port Royal: an alternative view: a new campaign: an online petition > The '3Rs' vision to "retain, refurbish and reuse" > public meeting Wednesday 23rd August - Entrepreneur Generations

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