Knight News Match offers up $2 million for nonprofit news outlets that raise money from small donors - Entrepreneur Generations

The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation and the Democracy Fund are teaming up to offer $2 million in matching funds in 2017 to support nonprofit journalism, with another $750,000 pledged to help nonprofit organizations get off the ground and become sustainable. Small donors are invited to pledge donations to the nonprofit news program of their choice, and Knight will match them, up to a total of $2 million. The Knight Foundation and the Democracy Fund are seeking more partners to increase the ceiling on what they call Knight News Match.

The program raised $1.2 million in matching donations from small donors last fall, funding 57 nonprofit news organizations. To be eligible, organizations must be full members of the Institute for Nonprofit News as of September 2017.

Jennifer Preston of Knight said in a press release that journalism is "essential to building informed and engaged communities" and that nonprofit news organizations are increasingly filling the void created by deep cuts in traditional newsrooms. "In the face of the hollowing out of the traditional industry, nonprofit news sites offer a chance to restore local coverage and deliver expert beat reporting, but they require the support of their communities. Whether you can give five dollars or five hundred to the participating nonprofit news organization of your choice, News Match will double it."

from The Rural Blog Knight News Match offers up $2 million for nonprofit news outlets that raise money from small donors - Entrepreneur Generations

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