Knowle Relocation Project: PegasusLife appeal >>> critique from District Council's own Landscape Architect - Entrepreneur Generations

Wednesday sees the deadline to comment on the current appeal over plans for Knowle:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: PegasusLife appeal >>> deadline for submissions: 6th September >>> final reminder

How to make a submission:

1 > Send to
> Refer to: Appeal Ref: APP/U1105/W/17/3177340
> Copy into:

2 > Send to: Planning Inspectorate
> Enter the appeal code: 3177340
> Copy into:

Over a year ago, a Freedom of Information request was made for 'pre-application' details:

The number of times that Pegasus, the selected developers for the Knowle, have had pre-application meetings with the Planning Department of EDDC for advice and discussions regarding their forthcoming planning application for the Knowle,

Names of those members of staff in EDDC whom Pegasus met, and

The substance of discussion and minutes of the meetings

Pre Application meetings with Pegasus - a Freedom of Information request to East Devon District Council - WhatDoTheyKnow

Although the information required was inadequate, the District Council did provide the following:

Landscape Response to pre-app The Knowle
Development Management

Prepared by Sarah Foqué,

Landscape Architect EDDC

Knowle Landscape response.pdf

Again, the District Council fails to provide the complete document.

It can be found here:
Landscape Architect - pre-application response - Knowle application - November 2015

Here are the highlights:

Landscape Response to 16/0872/MOUT

As part of the planning application the applicant, Pegasus Life, submitted a Planning, Design and Access Statement (PDAS), a Townscape and Visual Impact Statement, various layouts addressing specific aspects of the landscape proposals and a number of landscape sections. This report includes reviews of this landscape related information and how it responds to the site and to the other submitted technical information (e.g. Flood risk strategy, arboricultural report, etc.).

Summary of Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVlA) Comments
The local policy context of the site is not fully set out and fails to acknowledge the site’s allocation for 50 dwellings, which is significantly lower than the provided number of dwellings in the proposed development.

Within its assessment of the site and surrounding townscape the LVIA classifies north-south aligned buildings following the ridge lines as a local pattern for larger scale buildings. However this pattern is a modern addition to the more historic townscape where the majority of the larger scale buildings have a strong south and sea-facing facade (including the existing old Knowle hotel building).

The assessment of the existing car park area is overly negative. Although the car park does not form a well designed addition to the townscape, its impact on the surrounding townscape (including the parkland) is very limited due to being set into the existing landform and its planted edges.

The assessment of the impact on the visual amenity underestimates the impact of the scale of the proposed buildings. In certain views the larger scale buildings will block views of tree canopies within the background which assist in softening the appearance of the existing buildings and infrastructure.

The assessment on the impact on the townscape character fails to acknowledge the loss of currently publicly accessible sea views and parkland due to the extended proposed built form. Overall the proposed scale of development will have a greater adverse impact on site and its surroundings then currently judged within the LVIA.

Due to the aforementioned a less extensive building form which responds better to its setting (views and presence of tree canopies) and allows for its designed landscapes to be enjoyed by the general public would greatly assist in reducing its impact on the townscape character and visual amenity of its setting.

Due to the above raised comments the current scheme is unacceptable in landscape terms, please consider revising the scheme to include a less extensive building form which responds better to its setting (views and presence of tree canopies) and allows for its designed landscapes to be enjoyed by the general public.

Landscape Architect - pre-application response - Knowle application - November 2015

from Futures Forum Knowle Relocation Project: PegasusLife appeal >>> critique from District Council's own Landscape Architect - Entrepreneur Generations

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