Latest news from 10:10 >>> community flood defences, renewable energy, coral reefs and electric trains - Entrepreneur Generations

There are several campaigns afoot with the 10:10 group, including:
Futures Forum: Earth Overshoot Day >>> anger, hope and action
Futures Forum: Flooding and urban sprawl
Futures Forum: Onshore wind power “phenomenally competitive” on price
Futures Forum: The SouthWest continues to get a bad deal for its railways

Here's the latest:

The latest news from
10:10 Climate Action
The 10:10 team
What we're up to
We’re all hard at work planning for the remainder of the year and looking ahead to for 2018... Max is working on a new project that combines community flood defences with fighting climate change, and Ellie’s got some exciting onshore wind plans up her sleeve for our Blown Away campaign. Keep your eyes peeled for more changemaking news!
Sign up for Blown Away updates
Neil’s neck deep in installation logistics as part of our Prince-inspired solar campaign - he’s working with each of our partnered groups to get those shiny new solar panels up and running.
Turtle swimming over a coral reef. Photo credit: Jakob Owens (cc)
What we're into
Ross has been watching Chasing Coral on Netflix - it’s a stunning documentary that explores climate change and its impact on coral, and the marine life that relies on their ecosystems. Check out his review here.

Max can’t wait to get stuck into Drawdown – a collation of the 100 most powerful ideas for solving climate changeThey’re all available to dig into online!
The 10:10 team
What you can do
The Department of Transport has hit the brakes on plans to electrify railways across the north, midlands and south Wales. That means more dirty, polluting trains for years to come, instead of the cleaner, greener transport we deserve. So we've teamed up with the Campaign for Better Transport to tell the government to think again.
Add your support.
Support our work
We're on our way to a cleaner clever low carbon world, and everyone deserves a chance to help build it. 10:10 creates those chances - but we need your support to make sure everyone is involved.
Donate to 10:10
10:10 brings people together to do positive, practical stuff that helps tackle climate change.

The latest news from 10:10


from Futures Forum Latest news from 10:10 >>> community flood defences, renewable energy, coral reefs and electric trains - Entrepreneur Generations

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