Futures Forum: Exmouth jiggery-pokery: "The situation that EDDC have got themselves in is a great chance to assert ourselves in the Neighbourhood Plan."
And is now open to consultation with some ideas from Sustainable Exmouth:
Saturday is the Last Day...
Much as I’m keen to tell you about our AGM, a level head tells me that I must put planned events first. At the top of this newsletter is the Neighbourhood Plan (NP) consultation opportunity because the consultation closes on Saturday!
it’s an important matter and one which your Officers have put in and will be putting in, much time. All necessary information may be found at http://ift.tt/2fVt5vh which tells you how to respond with your views but hurry because the consultation finishes at the end of the month.
We advise members to read the consultation document and respond by Saturday, concentrating on the following subjects, into which we have put our lobbying efforts recently: A) Green wedges/routes, B) Zero-carbon construction, C) Environmental Interpretation Centre, and D) A Biodiversity Action Plan.
The following is Noel’s wish-list, some of the items are his own opinions but you may wish to follow his lead. Note: It is unclear to what extent the Neighbourhood Plan can influence the QDD development.
Exmouth to be marketed as an ecological sea-side resort, and retain/enhance green corridors such as: Madeira Walk, the Littleham/Withycombe/Bapton valleys.
All new buildings to have the best ecological features. Water harvesting is also necessary. Need for a mixed use community building.
Exmouth needs to retain space for a major employer to relocate here.
New, highest-quality, housing must allow spaces for gardens and allotments. Trees preserved, character of the area maintained. Separate pedestrians from vehicles.
Research new models for providing Zero-carbon affordable homes.
Make Exmouth an Eco-town.
Tax rules support the construction of housing reserved for the over 55s. Stop this.
Keep up the pressure for an Integrated Transport Interchange and more buses. Improve pedestrian and cycle routes.
An Environment Interpretation centre should be a high priority, enabling Exmouth to maximise its potential as a sustainable holiday resort.
Eco-friendly development of Bystock and Marley neighbourhoods.
The NP process does not stop at the referendum, we must initiate 'Ginger Groups' so as to realize our lobbying ambitions.
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from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2fWRsst Neighbourhood planning in Exmouth: ideas for consultation cloing Saturday - Entrepreneur Generations
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