Vision Group for Sidmouth > looking for new leaders for new ideas - Entrepreneur Generations

Things are moving forward with the Vision Group:
Futures Forum: Vision Group for Sidmouth > looking for new blood

If you'd like to help fashion the future in the Sid Valley, get in touch with:
Vision Group for Sidmouth - Contact or 
to get involved.

Here's the full press release from the VGS:


This year the Science Festival – which opens on Tuesday 3rd October – will be bigger and better than ever before. Originally founded 6 years ago as a weekend event, by members of the Vision Group for Sidmouth (VGS), the Science Festival has expanded to involve the whole valley and appeals to students, families, as well as professors of various disciplines.

Dave Bramley, Chair of both the Science Festival and the VGS says, “The Science Festival and other local projects, such as the Farmers Market, Food Festival and SidEnergy, started life within the VGS group. The two main aims of the VGS have been to incubate appropriate community projects and to provide a place where Sidmouthians could be informed about and debate community issues.

The unintended consequences of the success of such activities – especially the Science Festival - demand a major voluntary effort which impacts on the VGS. Having served continuously for over 5 years, the officers of the VGS would prefer that the VGS continues under new leadership. They are seeking new volunteers to introduce to the group before they stand down in June 2018.

The Vision Group was formed in 2005 when the Town Council and Sid Vale Association set up a team to make sure Sidmouth’s voice was heard in the putting together of the Local Plan. Now the Neighbourhood Plan steering group which includes Vision Group members, guided by the Town Council, are developing a plan specifically for Sidmouth.

The VGS has gone on to achieve Transition Town status for Sidmouth and has worked with this concept on various projects, including the community energy group SidEnergy and the Science Festival. The group embraced transition aims - first to incubate and launch projects such as the monthly Farmers Market – secondly to inform and encourage debate about key local issues affecting the future of the Valley, such as housing, recycling, transport, the future of Port Royal. Jeremy Woodward has provided the formidably informative Futures Forum web news, and the group has organised independent meetings, such as the hustings sessions.

The time has now come for the Officers of the group to stand down. All have contributed hugely to the events, discussions and ideas, and now all - Chair, Treasurer, Secretary – are inviting others to take things forward. As Dave Bramley explains “Time demands from both family and the growing Science Festival mean I am unable to continue in the role of VGS Chair"

If you would like to help take the Vision Group’s projects forward, or have inspiration for other projects – indeed, if you would like to help take the Valley forward please contact Dave Bramley in the first instance on

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from Futures Forum Vision Group for Sidmouth > looking for new leaders for new ideas - Entrepreneur Generations

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