This summer's Big Butterfly Count attracted lots of interest:
Futures Forum: Will autumn bring more butterflies? Log onto the Garden Butterfly Survey for any late sightings...
Futures Forum: Big Butterfly Count: submit findings by the end of August
Here are the results:
big butterfly count
Dear Jay, welcome to October's ‘all aflutter’.
This summer's Big Butterfly Count was a record-breaker, with more of you than ever submitting your butterfly sightings. The results have been revealed so keep reading to discover which species made it into the top ten for 2017. Will you join us in celebrating Moth Night? Events are being held across the UK this evening and we've got some tips so you can go on your own search for the spectacular species flying now. The Secret Gardener suggests setting aside an area of your garden to cater for moths after dark but if you'd rather stay inside, you can contribute to conservation with a hunt for old pound coins.
Red Admiral Sails Into Second Place
The Red Admiral butterfly has seen a dramatic rise in numbers this summer despite most areas experiencing higher than average rainfall throughout July and August.
The results from this year's Big Butterfly Count reveal the Gatekeeper as the most commonly seen butterfly followed by the Red Admiral then the Meadow Brown.
Red Admiral numbers increased 75% on 2016's figures, with more than 73,000 seen during the Big Butterfly Count’s three-week recording period. This number is as many as were counted in the last three years of the Big Butterfly Count put together and the highest number recorded since the project began.
The real highlight of this year's Big Butterfly Count was how many of you took part. A record-breaking 60,000 people counted more than 550,000 individual butterflies over just three weeks. Thank you to everyone who submitted their sightings.
Find out which species made it into the top 10 in England, Wales, Scotland and NI.
Dig It: Invite Moths In
It may seem a little unusual to spend time and effort on plants that hide their beauty until after dark but that's exactly what the Secret Gardener suggests in this month's blog.
Dedicate a corner of your garden to moths and you might be surprised how much you enjoy it too. Not all moths drink nectar but those that do will be most attracted to night scented flowers. The heady aroma of Jasmine or Night-scented Stock on the breeze at twilight is enchanting.
Choose plants with white flowers or silver leaves - such as Nicotiana and Lambs ears - and a bright moon will transform your garden into a shimmering spectacle.
Look Out For: Moths On Moth Night
Why not go on a torch-lit safari this weekend to celebrate Moth Night? Wildlife lovers are being asked to venture out after dark to investigate flowering ivy bushes.
Ivy is a valuable nectar source for moths, butterflies and other pollinators in autumn. Hunt for your nearest flowering ivy and see if you can shine a light on a Convolvulus Hawk-moth - one of the largest moths found in the UK.
Moth night runs from 12 to 14 October. Find out if there is an event in your area this weekend, discover which species to search for on your safari and report your sightings.
In For A Penny
After 15 October round pound coins will no longer be legal tender, so check your purses, piggy banks and down the back of the sofa!
This Sunday is the last day you can spend your old pound coins but, instead of rushing out to the shops, you could donate them to help save butterflies, moths and our environment.
We can accept your old coins even after they go out of circulation.
If you would like us to turn your old coins into conservation work for threatened species simply follow the link below and request a freepost envelope from Recycling for Good Causes.
Species images from top to bottom: Red Admiral (Tim Melling), Purple Thorn moth in moonlight (Patrick Clement), Convolvulus Hawk-moth (Stuart Read) Peacock and pound coins.
Big Butterfly Count Results Revealed
from Futures Forum Big Butterfly Count: the results -
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