Vertical farming can allow former cropland to go back to nature and reverse the plundering of the earth.
The Vertical Farm | The New Yorker
BBC - Future - How vertical farming reinvents agriculture
'There are no limits to growth' if you grow upwards:
Futures Forum: Sustainable development >>> land is not a limited resource >>> and there are no limits to growth
What will it really take for vertical farms to succeed?
Vertical farms are still in their infancy.
The presence of high-tech investors and the tech-oriented approach many of them have taken virtually guarantees that many will take the tech industry’s approach to finding their feet—shifting target markets, techniques, and business models fluidly as opportunities present themselves.
Some, surely, will end up taking what they’ve learned about small-scale operations and use it to build high-output farm “machines” for restaurants and grocery stores.
Some will gravitate to restaurants or growing specialty products. Others will wander further afield.
Thousands of plants grow under neon lights in 80-foot-long racks stacked 36 feet high, arranged in aisle after aisle
Ideally, vertical farms will would move beyond the herbs-and-leafy-greens outputs
What will it really take for vertical farms to succeed? | New Food Economy
from Futures Forum Vertical farming - Entrepreneur Generations
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