Knowle relocation project: District Council publishes 'proof of evidence' prepared by Cornwall Council planning officer - Entrepreneur Generations

A reminder from the SOS site from earlier this month:

Knowle update: 5-day Public Inquiry on developer’s Appeal begins end of this month.

November 3, 2017 by sidmouthsid

The Inquiry, expected to last for five days, is scheduled to begin at 10.00am on Tuesday 28 November 2017 in the Knowle Council Chamber , Sidmouth.

Public who submitted representations have been invited to attend, and to indicate to the Inspector, Michael Boniface, at the start of the Inquiry, if they wish to speak.

Knowle update: 5-day Public Inquiry on developer’s Appeal begins end of this month. | Save Our Sidmouth

And more details from the District Council's website today:

Council publishes case evidence details for forthcoming Knowle public inquiry

13 November 2017

Pegasus Life planning appeal against council’s refusal of planning permission will be heard over five days starting from 28 November 2017

East Devon District Council has published its proof of evidence ready for the forthcoming public inquiry, which starts on 28 November 2017, into the appeal by Pegasus Life against the council’s refusal of a planning application for the redevelopment of Knowle, Sidmouth.

The application for an assisted living community was refused by the council's Development Management Committee (DMC) on 6 December 2016.

The published documents expand on the reasons for refusal and detail the council’s full case, which will be presented at the inquiry. The council has submitted two proofs of evidence, the first of which has been produced by East Devon’s Conservation Officer and details the harmful impact the development would have on the setting of the listed summerhouse within the grounds of Knowle.

The second proof deals with the issues of balancing the impact on the listed summerhouse with the public benefits of the development, as well as the impact on the amenities of neighbouring properties in terms of overlooking and visual dominance, together with the issue of whether the development is genuinely a care home use (C2) or a residential use (C3).

The second proof has been prepared on behalf of the council by a Principal Planning Officer from Cornwall Council who will be the main witness for East Devon. An external officer has been used to ease work pressures on the council’s busy planning team and because the officers involved in the application recommended approval of the scheme and so cannot now give evidence under oath at the inquiry, representing the council’s view that it should be refused.

Pegasus Life has also submitted proofs of evidence, together with a statement of common ground that has been agreed with the council, which gives details of the main areas where the two parties are in agreement and where there are still disagreements. This document helps the inspector to understand the main issues that the inquiry needs to focus on.

The documents are all now available on the Council’s website.

To access the documents, click on start, then on the next page type 16/0872 into the search box. On the next page, click on documents and on the next page, click on view associated documents

13 November 2017 - Council publishes case evidence details for forthcoming Knowle public inquiry - East Devon

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project: District Council publishes 'proof of evidence' prepared by Cornwall Council planning officer - Entrepreneur Generations

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