Knowle relocation project: the PegasusLife 'vision' >>> >>> "We strive to make all our projects unique, relevant and inspiring" >>> unless it looks pretty much the same as other uninspiring developments - Entrepreneur Generations

The architect for the proposed PegasusLife development at Knowle has done some interesting things - but the proposals for Knowle are far from interesting:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: PegasusLife proposals >>> Where is the innovative, sympathetic, green design?

The public relations blurb on their website promises all sorts:
Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: the PegasusLife 'vision' >>> >>> "We strive to make all our projects unique, relevant and inspiring"

But, actually, all we've been promised for Knowle is pretty much the same as at other developments.

This retirement village in Harpenden is the latest from PegasusLife:

Park House | Retirement living, but not as you know it

Complete with an 'orangery':

Park House, Harpenden, Hertfordshire - PegasusLife

It looks remarkably similar to the 'unique, relevant and inspiring' buildings being proposed at Knowle:

Rejected: EDDC refuses care facility plans for Sidmouth HQ site - Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald

EDDC will not cite loss of light at Knowle planning appeal - Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth Herald

Although the developer has taken down any such images from its dedicated pages:
Sidmouth, Devon - PegasusLife

Another likeness is that PegasusLife appealed with the Harpenden application:
Developer likely to appeal over rejection of Harpenden retirement home plan - St Albans and Harpenden News - Herts Advertiser

But what is clear is that there is not much very good building going on:
Bad British Architecture
Carbuncle Cup shortlists six contenders for worst building of 2017

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project: the PegasusLife 'vision' >>> >>> "We strive to make all our projects unique, relevant and inspiring" >>> unless it looks pretty much the same as other uninspiring developments - Entrepreneur Generations

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