Knowle relocation project: PegasusLife appeal inquiry >>> 10am Tuesday 28th November - Entrepreneur Generations

The Save Our SIdmouth site has sent out a reminder:

PegasusLife Appeal Inquiry starts 10h00 tomorrow (Tues 28 November, Council Chamber, Knowle), with intense public interest.

November 27, 2017 by sidmouthsid

PegasusLife’s plans to build a large-scale retirement village in this prime parkland location in Sidmouth town, were refused by EDDC’s Development Management Committee almost exactly one year ago (6 Dec 2016). 

As the 5-day Appeal Inquiry begins tomorrow morning, the wide public interest in EDDC’s controversial relocation plans, has prompted research into the company proposing to buy the Knowle site. See

The Inspector’s decision is expected within 4 days of the end of the Inquiry.

PegasusLife Appeal Inquiry starts 10h00 tomorrow (Tues 28 November, Council Chamber, Knowle), with intense public interest. | Save Our Sidmouth

With a letter to the Herald reprinted:

Speculative retirement flats..are they part of the housing problem?

November 26, 2017 by sidmouthsid 1 Comment

Do Pegasus Life plans for Knowle reflect local need? The developer’s own publicity (link given below*) suggests otherwise, according to this letter published in the Sidmouth Herald (24 Nov 2017):


As Herald readers will know, PegasusLife is currently appealing a decision to refuse a multi-million pound development of 113 retirement flats at Knowle. Who are these expensive flats for? Despite Planning refusal, the developer’s website confidently advertises the Sidmouth site nationally, under ‘future developments’, presumably to attract at least some buyers from outside East Devon, which suggests the number proposed (more than double the 50 allocated in East Devon District Council’s Local Plan) does not reflect local need. Any restrictions on the flats being bought as investment properties or second homes, are not immediately evident.

Questions remain over the wisdom of EDDC Leaders’ decision to sell the Knowle site—an appreciating public asset—to a private company set to make substantial profit from any development in such a prestigious location. The sale price agreed is less than £8 million. At the same time, the Council’s determination to relocate to an Industrial Estate, spending £10 million of public money (requiring a £2million loan) to build a new HQ, is seen as an extravagant investment unlikely to hold its value.

The Appeal Inquiry, scheduled for 5 days, starts at next Tuesday, 28th November, in Knowle Council Chamber. Public can attend. The Inspector will hear strong arguments for and against the Appeal. Due to ambiguities in planning law, should the Appeal be upheld, Pegasus Life could avoid making a contribution to affordable housing that the District so urgently needs.
Whatever the outcome, taxpayers may well conclude that the Government should stop trusting the private sector to provide affordable homes, and close the legal loopholes that developers comfortably slip through.

Jacqueline Green,


Speculative retirement flats..are they part of the housing problem? | Save Our Sidmouth

See also:
Do Knowle plans fit with Chancellor’s Budget speech? | Save Our Sidmouth

from Futures Forum Knowle relocation project: PegasusLife appeal inquiry >>> 10am Tuesday 28th November - Entrepreneur Generations

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