The Blue New Deal from the New Economics Foundation > a plan to revitalise the UK’s coastal communities - Entrepreneur Generations

There is a very positive project seeking to regenerate coastal communities:
Futures Forum: The Blue New Deal from the New Economics Foundation > working on coastal and marine issues > and developing an action plan

Here's an update sent out today:

Over the last three years, we've been developing the Blue New Deal – a plan to revitalise the UK’s coastal communities.
It’s about transforming coastal economies for the future, so they deliver good jobs, increased wellbeing and economic sustainability for these communities – all while supporting a healthier coastal and marine environment. 
Last year, we launched an action plan outlining 20 key priorities to tackle the problems coastal communities face. We worked with a diverse network of people – living and working on the UK coast – to develop this. 
For the Blue New Deal to work, communities need the power to define what economic success looks like. That means any plans for economic development along the coast need to account for what matters to local people, and the health of the marine environment on which coastal economies depend. 
Now, it's time to put this plan into action. Keep an eye out for updates on what we've been working on and how you can get involved. 
1. Coming next week: our video on community-led development in Eastbourne.
Follow the story of Graham Doswell, a small scale fisher from Eastbourne, who’s led a community effort to secure a better future for the inshore fishing community, local residents and visitors. 
2. We'll be sharing more about the UK’s first Centre for Coastal Economies. 
Together, organisations and individuals will be working to empower coastal communities so they can take real control of their own future. From putting healthy seas at the heart of new economic plans, to ensuring that national policy empowers those who want to lead the reinvention of their coastal towns. 
3. Stay tuned to hear about our work with the first three Blue New Deal towns. 
We’ve started working with local authorities, businesses and community groups in Poole, Plymouth and St Ives, where we’ll be supporting local efforts to put the Blue New Deal plan into action. Stay tuned for how you can get involved.
We'll be in touch with more on these soon!
Fernanda and the NEF team

Blue New Deal
Blue New Deal | New Economics Foundation

from Futures Forum The Blue New Deal from the New Economics Foundation > a plan to revitalise the UK’s coastal communities - Entrepreneur Generations

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