The Clean Air Campaign - Entrepreneur Generations

A message from the latest Sustainable Crediton newsletter:

Logo for Friends of the Earth
31st October 2017

Simple things you can do: Clean air campaign

Clean air - we all want to know our air is healthy. But too many of us breathe dirty air every day, especially in our towns and cities. Air pollution is a hidden killer and it hits children, older people and the poorest hardest.

This is where you can find the facts about air pollution: its causes, impacts, how to avoid it and how to help stop it. You can find out who is most affected by air pollution, investigate the air quality near you and even get in touch with other people working for cleaner air.

Sustainable Crediton - 2017

This is the Friends of the Earth campaign kit:
Clean Air Campaign What you can do | Friends of the Earth

It's a serious issue:
Futures Forum: “We know the effects of poor air quality run from cradle to grave. It's a lifetime threat to human health.”

The government is doing some positive things:
Futures Forum: How to deal with air pollution: ban all diesel and petrol vehicles by 2040 >>> "The writing is on the wall for gasoline-powered cars."

And some not so positive things:
Futures Forum: "Unfairly shifting the burden" of dealing with air pollution on to local authorities

In fact, there are many organisations campaigning for better quality air:
Futures Forum: Campaigning for a new Clean Air Act

For example:
Why do we need healthy air? - HealthyAir
Clean Air in London – Campaigning to achieve urgently and sustainably compliance with World Health Organisation guidelines for air quality throughout London
About our clean air campaign | British Lung Foundation
Campaign – Clean Air Now
I Like Clean Air

from Futures Forum The Clean Air Campaign - Entrepreneur Generations

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