Two new regular jazz venues for Leeds - making a total of 15 now in the city (see all the others here!)
Soft Pedal - Cardigan Arms 364 Kirkstall Rd, Leeds LS4 2HQ - newly refurbished historic pub run by Kirstall Brewery. Jazz every Sunday - music 5-8pm - free. Food until late . Curated by Chris Bland and Tom Sharp. Slots in nicely between the JazzLeeds Sunday gig and evening gigs at the Sela Bar or Head of Steam
Undercurrent - at the White Swan LS1 63G (next to the City Varieties in the Town Centre).Montly concert curated by Jami Sheriff from Leeds College of Music 8-11pm First Tuesday in the month Lots of great musicians coming to play - free entry. Wed 7 November has Jami's band featured in "Rafe's Dilemma" their version of the Bill Naughton play Spring and Port Wine featuring Sam Vicary Eleanor Begley Katie Patterson with support from Else Skogan Bonesrønning band. Kick off at 8.00pm.
from NorthernJazzLive Two new jazz venues in Leeds - Entrepreneur Generations
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