Futures Forum: Knowle relocation project: PegasusLife appeal inquiry >>> decision expected end of January
It has now just been released:
Reference: APP/U1105/W/17/3177340
Local Planning Authority:
East Devon District Council
Case Summary:
"The construction of an assisted living commu..."
Status Complete:
Case Summary:
"The construction of an assisted living commu..."
Status Complete:
Decision issued
Decision and Outcome:
82. I have found the development to fall within use class C2 of the Use Classes
Order. It would not harm the character and appearance of the area,
neighbours’ living conditions or the setting of the adjacent grade II listed
summerhouse. The proposal is in accordance with the development plan,
taken as a whole, and should be granted planning permission.
82. I have found the development to fall within use class C2 of the Use Classes
Order. It would not harm the character and appearance of the area,
neighbours’ living conditions or the setting of the adjacent grade II listed
summerhouse. The proposal is in accordance with the development plan,
taken as a whole, and should be granted planning permission.
83. In light of the above, and having considered all other matters, the appeal is
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2E1GmNS Knowle relocation project: BREAKING NEWS >>> PegasusLife appeal allowed - Entrepreneur Generations
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