Latest from Transition Exeter > against the grain - Entrepreneur Generations

Transition Exeter is the county's most active transition town, with a lot going on, as their latest newsletter just out shows:

Hi all,

It may not feel like it but things are hotting up in Exeter. We've got a number of brilliant events (see below) some very soon.

But first a little news from Transition Exeter itself. For the next few months we'll be working on

1. Transport for Exeter - there will be a consultation on Exeter's Air Quality Strategy beginning soon, You can sign up to respond here

"Exeter City Council is exploring ways that it can improve air quality in the city. It has a legal responsibility, but also a political desire to do more. No decisions have been taken about what course of action might be the way forward, especially around things such as a congestion charge.

Now the council is to embark on a three month consultation programme looking at all areas surround air quality and what we can do about it together."

The Bus Station is still due to be closed in May though there is no developer in sight. The TE Transport Group and the Bus Users group are calling for a reprieve to look at options for a fit for purpose bus station with enough room for coaches. Letters to the City Council and local news media are still needed.

2. Plastics - what happens to plastics in Exeter? Will China's refusal to take recyclable plastic make a difference? Could we use less? Watch this space! And contact us if you'd like to be part of a group investigating this.

3. Divestment from Fossil fuels - Campaigning will continue to get Devon Pension Fund divested from fossil fuels - like nearly half the Universitites in UK and many City Councils. County Council and Exeter City Council employees care about the future and its very questionable they want their pension funds to support climate change through being invested in dirty drilling, mining, tarsands etc.

There's a chance to encourage Exeter Uni - which hasn't yet divested from fossil fuels - to at least boycott Barclays, Formerly a Quaker bank with principles, now

Barclays is a major investor in fossil fuel infrastructure across the globe it's time for them to halt their support for the fossil fuel industry before they crash the climate or the economy. From the tar-sands in Alberta, coal mines in Colombia and new coal fired power stations in Indonesia we need to join with the people on the frontlines putting their bodies on the line.

You can help cut off the money the fossil fuel industry needs:


Compost. It's a great time of year to get composting in place or improve your system. You can see the Compost Doctor now!


If you think Devon needs a new kind of economy to build a just and sustainable society - you're right and lots of others think so too. In fact if you'd like to hear from some of those building it, working in social enterprises, community groups, academia, local agencies - or perhaps you are building it and would like to chat with others - come along to the

4th Devon New Economy Convergence

Saturday 3rd March, Devonport Guildhall, Plymouth

Details and booking here

Brexit: what on earth’s going on – and what does it mean for Exeter?

Public meeting with Molly Scott Cato, Green Party MEP for SW England.

Exeter Community Centre, Northernhay Room Thurs Feb 15th 7 to 8.30pm

All welcome: a chance to hear the views of a leading MEP, and to raise issues that concern you. Apart from the Brexit issue, Molly Scott Cato has been at the forefront of challenging corporate and individual tax ‘dodging’ across the EU, and she is a key advocate for sustainable agriculture and environmental protection – alongside many other issues. And as a Professor of Green Economics she offers a thoughtful and alternative perspective on current events.

Book at:

Social Media for Green CausesWould you be interested in a small group to boost publicity for Green events, views and causes locally through social media, meeting regularly to plan and learn from each other? If so please get in touch - reply to this email or ring Gill 01647 24789

And lastly for a great evening's entertainment:

Against the Grain - an evening with Garth Hewitt

Tuesday 13th February 7 pm
at Southernhay United Reformed Church, Dix's Field, EX1 1QA

Sounds like a great evening: "In Garth’s Songs – and in telling the stories of people he has met in areas of poverty, conflict and disaster – he wants to inspire people to challenge unjust structures in society in whatever way we can. An evening with Garth is always thought provoking and challenging and also great fun."

Tickets £7(£6) from Exeter Phoenix 01392 667080 and or on the door £9 (£7)

That's it for now, do get in touch if you want to chat or respond on any of this

01647 24789

Transition Exeter

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