Futures Forum: District Council to vote on zero single-use plastics > Wednesday 28th February
Plastic Free Devon: East Devon urged to reduce use of single-use plastic - Devon Live
And it is understood that a similar motion will be coming to the Town Council:
Futures Forum: Make Sidmouth plastic free > report from first meeting
With a petition on its way:
Petition · Sidmouth Town Council Chairman - Councillor Ian Mckenzie-Edwards: Make Sidmouth a single-use-plastic-free town · Change.org
On Saturday, the Plastic Warriors will be in action again:
Futures Forum: Sidmouth Plastic Warriors > Clean up around town, Ham and beach > Saturday 3rd March
Meanwhile, businesses are doing their bit:
Futures Forum: Make Sidmouth plastic free > businesses are doing it
With a piece in the Herald highlighting the work of another business:
Sidmouth cafe ups commitment to recyclable products
PUBLISHED: 07:30 24 February 2018
A Sidmouth café committed to staying green since its inception has expanded its range of recyclable products.
The Filling Station has done away with plastic bottles and brought in innovative resealable cans of water, swapped plastic straws for paper ones and is rewarding use of reusable coffee cups.
It is run by mother-and-son duo Ros Kendall and Luke Allen, who saw how waste built up when they lived in Cairo, Egypt, and do not want that to happen in Sidmouth.
“We’ve always used recyclable packaging,” said Ros. “Why would you want to do it any other way? Part of our ethos was to be environmentally-friendly and locally-sourced. It costs a bit more, but it’s massively worth it. When we were in Egypt, the national bird could have been the plastic bag – they blow everywhere. We don’t want that here.”
The Filling Station uses paper and compostable products and its energy supplier aims to use 90 per cent renewable power.
Sidmouth's Filling Station expands expands its recycling range | Latest Sidmouth and Ottery News - Sidmouth HeraldLast month, a visitor from just over the border noted the plastic washing up on the Sidmouth shore:
Down by the sea: Stormy waters and tips on reducing single use plastic
Meanwhile, elsewhere in Devon:
Devon town Ashburton joins the plastic-free movement - BBC News
from Futures Forum http://ift.tt/2oI3Gsq Moves to a plastic-free Sidmouth - Entrepreneur Generations
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