Deep Cabaret play Jazz@Davenham - Entrepreneur Generations

In recent years jazz@davenham has presented plenty of gigs that cross categories, but Deep Cabaret surely take genre-busting to a new level!

With mashed-up lyrics lifted from neuroscience, slavery, fiction and Cole Porter covers all "pickled in the juices of the peat." Audiences say "Gorgeous and stirring", "Wonderful and invigorating"

Bandleader Steve Lewis describes this as the culmination of his life’s work - to make a band that fuses all the musics that fascinate him; jazz, improv, African, folk and left field pop. It’s a vision that’s reflected in an extraordinary instrumentation of guitar, clarinets, cello, hurdy-gurdy, bagpipes, and drums, plus the overtone vocals of Jayson Stilwell, grounded in a study of Tuvan throat singing.

What brings it all together is the quality of the musicians involved and their openness to different approaches. Drummer Ben McCabe and reedman Matt Robinson are both jazz-orientated players (indeed, Matt is the director of the Lancaster Jazz Festival), while the hurdy-gurdy and pipes are in the hands of “hardcore folkie” Paul Sherwood. Norwegian cellist Maja Bugge comes from a contemporary classical background, but, she is also a profoundly imaginative improviser. And finally the leader himself delivers angular guitar playing and cabaret inflected vocals that move between idiosyncratic takes on jazz standards and lyrics sampled from literature, science and sit coms.

It’s a rich and uncategorisable mix that has audiences initially intrigued, then invigorated, and finally entranced. Taste it, and you’ll be hooked!

jazz@davenham – DEEP CABARET – Thursday 26th April 8 pm
Booking Harry 01606 74502, Dave 01606 44253 or e mail:
Please make sure you get a reply from us, if booking via e mail.

Doors and Bar open 7.30pm - Concert starts at 8.00pm
Bookings on 01606 74502 or e mail to

Gig venue - Davenham Theatre: 59 Church Street, Davenham, Cheshire CW9 8NF

Sponsors - Tatton Brewery

from NorthernJazzLive Deep Cabaret play Jazz@Davenham - Entrepreneur Generations

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