The energy market isn’t working > the ‘Big Six’ continue to operate as regional monopolies and switching has failed to reduce energy prices - Entrepreneur Generations

How to 'beat the Big Six'?
Futures Forum: The 'natural monopolies' of district heating networks and Big Energy >>> competition watchdog to investigate
Futures Forum: The Big Six vs local energy providers >>> Or: how to keep new entrants out of the energy market
Futures Forum: How to beat the Big Six >>> deprivatise energy

Here are some suggestions from the NEF:

Five years is a long time in politics, it was only back in 2013 that energy price caps were ridiculed by the Tory Party during the ‘Red Ed’ campaign. But as increasing media scrutiny has highlighted that consumers are paying hundreds of pounds a year on the wrong tariff, Tory Party leaders have learned to love regulation. But with regulation after regulation added to the energy market, isn’t it time to rethink our whole approach?
From top to bottom the energy market isn’t working. By-in-large, the ‘Big Six’ continue to operate as regional monopolies. In recent years, a barrage of headlines focusing on rising energy prices have encouraged more people to switch tariffs. However, switching has failed to reduce energy prices or cut into industry profits. Even when customers do switch tariffs, about one-third end up paying more.
All the best,
Griffin Carpenter
New Economics Foundation

Price caps are a plaster on our broken energy market | New Economics Foundation

from Futures Forum The energy market isn’t working > the ‘Big Six’ continue to operate as regional monopolies and switching has failed to reduce energy prices - Entrepreneur Generations

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