Very tiring, this lamb school... - Natural Branscombe | Facebook
A nice place to get your beef too:
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Natural Branscombe at Alderwood Barn farm have teamed up with some other local farmers and growers to form a producers’ Co-operative.
They are conducting a survey before the launch:
Attention please all existing/past/potential Natural Branscombe customers!
Would you be so kind as to fill in the attached short survey which is part of the set-up of a local food-producers' co-operative please?
The deadline is the 20th April. If you are unable to complete it online, we can send it by email or post.
If you know of people who have bought from us or interested in buying more local food but are not on FB and would like to fill it in, please let us know. Thank you most kindly!
Natural Branscombe - Home | Facebook
Here's the questionnaire:
In My Back Yard - research questionnaire
Asking your opinion - pre-launch survey
from Futures Forum In My Back Yard: East Devon Food Cooperative > a group of local, chemical-free food producers > Fill in the pre-launch survey - Entrepreneur Generations
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