Plastics Week in Sidmouth >>> Matt Harvey, performance poet... and plastic poetry - Entrepreneur Generations

Earlier in the month, we had a different perspective on plastic from performance poet Matt Harvey:
Futures Forum: Plastics Week in Sidmouth >>> Matt Harvey, performance poet... and plastic friends Tilly and Cliff, created from debris collected along the Jurassic coast 

Matt always likes to get a bit of audience participation going at his gigs - and so here we have the results of that evening, where audience members were asked to contribute one line on the theme of the crisp packet:


"The Crisp Packet"

Crisp packet, crisp packet, crisp packet – Oh!

Crisps, again and again…

What’s wrong with a crisp packet?

Sack it. It’s a racket.

One day I will fly away and turn into a butterfly.

Crisps are great, but the oil ain’t: ask an orang-utan.

Crinkle, crinkle, snap, snap: don’t you think it’s a load of crap?

Gary Lineker – Salt & Vinegar. Crisp packet trouble: blow his bubble.

Crisp packet bobbles, turtle gobbles… death!!

Multi-flavoured multi-chemical crispy contents.

When the packet gets dirty it makes quantum uncertainty.

Cheese and chicken chips in my paper bags make me a packet.

Like tumble weed stinking of acetic acid rolling across the landscape.

Gary Lineker – keep your salt and vinegar.

And Jamie and Hugh don’t think much of your contents either!

Stalkers, hawkers, painters, decorators and football commentators all eat Walkers.

Crisp packet, tennis rackets, more packets.

If you have a crisp packet, fill it full of poetry.

Munch, crunch, brunch or lunch.

Your salt assaulted, your shake shaken.

A crisp makes you lisp like a lizard in you gizzard.

Crisp packet… terrible racket… let’s not back it…

Crisp packet: what a racket.

I prefer pay packets.

Crisps are great – let’s eat the bag – then all the Greenies won’t have to nag

Floppy packet, don’t snack it, no-one needs it.

Every single packet is part of the racket.

Passenger detritus!

An old crisp packet is tossed and blown – finds its own way home.

Reserved for later.

Crisp packet – blow it up + whack it. Sack it!

Rip it open, lick it out.

Love you to bits with your silicone tits.

Crackle and rustle – a throbbing corpuscle.

But crisp bags make lousy condoms.

from the audience at:
an evening with:
Matt Harvey:
Friday 11th May 2018:
Sidmouth Plastics Week:


from Futures Forum Plastics Week in Sidmouth >>> Matt Harvey, performance poet... and plastic poetry - Entrepreneur Generations

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