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Here in the UK we could also do much more:
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One big idea is to provide a universal income:
Futures Forum: Universal Basic Income: 'The unexpected benefits of unconditional cash transfers'
Futures Forum: Universal Basic Income in Finland
This week, Laurie Taylor looked at the latest developments:
Universal Basic Income
2 May 2018
Universal Basic Income: Laurie Taylor asks if it's the answer to an increasingly precarious job landscape.
Universal Basic Income: Laurie Taylor asks if it's the answer to an increasingly precarious job landscape.
Could it bring greater financial freedom for women, tackle the issue of unpaid but essential work, cut poverty and promote greater choice?
Or is it a dead-end utopian ideal that distracts from more practical and cost-effective solutions?
He's joined by Stewart Lansley, Visiting Fellow at the School of Policy Studies, University of Bristol and editor of a new book which shares research and insights from a variety of nations including India and Finland; John Rentoul, Visiting Professor at King's College, London and Ursula Huws, Professor of Labour and Globalisation at the University of Hertfordshire Business School
Professor Ursula Huws at the University of Hertfordshire
Stewart Lansley at the University of Bristol and City University
John Rentoul - Chief Political Commentator for the Independent and Visiting Professor at King's College, London
Amy Downes and Stewart Lansley, It's Basic Income: The Global Debate (Policy Press, 2018)
from Futures Forum https://ift.tt/2HS6j7P Universal Basic Income @ Radio 4's Thinking Allowed - Entrepreneur Generations
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